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Cloud environment:
- iPad Python apps
- iPad GitHub apps
- iPad vs local install
- Testing code on iPad vs streamlit
- Editors for ipad
- Add markdown section
- ngrok and how to setup a static site
- Maybe also add HuggingFave spaces
VSCode iPad Article:
- Update user settings with other warnings to disable
- Organize the keyboard shortcuts better
- Creating calendar entries
- Setting up mongodb to work with streamlit?
- Captcha and AI
- Add images to my AI articles
- Why MVP is not a good thing
- sweeping all of the difficult stuff under the rug
- The Tyranny of Metrics
- Reluctant Spammer
- Generalist vs Specialist
- Tokenization causing LLM issues article on LinkedIn
- Pokemon Go issues
General site improvements:
- Bullets in thoughts on the front page unindent left a lot